Iluka Public School

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Week 9 Term 4

iluka students


  • Wednesday 1 December - Stage 3 (5&6) Lawn Bowls Activity, 9:30 - 10:30 am (note home today)
  • Thursday 2 December - Year 5 Prefect Speeches. Start time 9:15 am (Year 5 family members ONLY (including grandparents) may attend. The visitor must remain seated, must show double vaccinated certificate, wear a mask and QR code).
  • Friday 3 December -  Stage 3 (5&6) Lawn Bowls Activity, 9:30 - 10:30 am (note home)
  • Tuesday 7 December - Final day of Intensive Swimming for Year 2/3 and Year 4. 
  • Tuesday 7 December - Final day for School Banking
  • Tuesday 7 December - Get Hooked Fishing Program, Year 5. (note yet to go home)
  • Wednesday 8 December - Get Hooked Fishing Program, Year 4 & 6. (note yet to go home)
  • Wednesday 8 December - Stage 3 (5 & 6) Lawn Bowls Activity, 9:30 - 10:30 am (note home)
  • Wednesday 8 December - IPS End of Year Disco, under the IPS COLA. Drop off at 6:00 pm, pick-up at 8:00 pm. Students will have to dance with their class cohorts. No parents or carers are to stay on site. 
  • Thursday 9 December - IPS 2021 Presentation Day. One adult family menber ONLY (including grandparents) may attend. The visitor must remain seated, be double vaccinated, wear a mask and QR code.
  • Friday 10 December - Stage 3 (5&6) Lawn Bowls Activity, 9:30 - 10:30 am (note home)
  • Friday 10 December - Semester 2 Reports go home today.
  • Monday 13 December till Thursday 16 December - Kindergarten / Year 1 Intensive Swimming Program. Daily activity from 9:30 till 10:30 am. Anchorage Holiday Park. (note home this week)
  • Monday 13 December - Stage 3 Surfing Activity. Main Beach Yamba (note yet to go home)
  • Tuesday 14 December - Stage 3 Surfing Activity. Main Beach Yamba (note yet to go home)
  • Tuesday 14 December - Year 6 Graduation Dinner at Club Iluka, 6 - 8 pm. Students and staff only in attendance. 
  • Wednesday 15 December - Iluka Community Carols, held on the Iluka PS Bottom Oval, 6:00 pm 
  • Thursday 16 December - Last day of Term 4 and 2021 for all students
  • Friday 17 December - Staff Development Day (no students to attend)


  • Tuesday 1 February - All Students return to school for Term 1, 2022.
  • Thursday 10 February - IPS Swimming Carnival - whole school attending. Maclean Olympic Pool 




Welcome to Week 9 of the Term 4 school calendar. This is an 11-week term and the last day for students is Thursday 16 December. As we near the end of the year, like all schools, Iluka PS is a busy place and we ask that you keep informed by checking School Stream and your child’s bag for notes. We do not want students missing out. We have several upcoming activities for the end of the year, please check the notes carefully for times, and dressing requirements.

Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding in what has been a challenging Semester Two. Health and safety guidelines restricting parent access to our school and classrooms has made it a challenge in terms of fostering a positive connection between home and school. My aim has been to keep our communication as open and proactive as possible.


Again, a reminder that with restrictions we are unable to invite all parents and carers to the Annual Presentation Day. We have been limited to one adult family member being able to attend. Those attending will need to QR Code in, proof of vaccination will be required and covid safe distancing rules will apply. I am also pleased to inform you that the event will be available via Zoom and for those family members not able to enter past the school gates but still wish to attend there will also be a viewpoint opportunity available from Charles St gates. I thank you for your support and understanding as we remain under Level 3 guidelines.


Over the last couple of weeks, I have had the pleasure of showing potential new families around our school and into the classrooms. Thank you to our teachers who have welcomed us (often unannounced) into their rooms – K/1, Year 2/3, Year 4, Year 5, and Year 6. Teachers are still making the most of every minute. The standard of teaching and learning is exceptionally high, and I want to offer my congratulations to the students, teachers and support staff.


At present Year 5 students are preparing their leadership speeches for Captain, Vice-Captain or one of four  Prefects, and I am positive that we have a terrific group of students to step up into the leadership group for 2022. I wish them all the best, as I know how nerve racking it can be when speaking to a crowd. The courage you will all show to stand up in front of your school is to be commended. Speeches will be presented this Thursday at 9.15 am and voting will take place at the conclusion of the speeches. Over the last couple of weeks Mrs Cunningham and Ms Dobbin have sat down with every student encouraging their students to consider how they can take on a leadership role in 2022. The leaders will be announced at the Presentation Day assembly on Thursday 9 December 2021. 

This event can allow for Year 5 family members to attend. Those attending will need to QR Code in, proof of vaccination will be required and covid safe distancing rules will apply. This event will also be available via Zoom. To access the event, the link will be sent out via our School Stream App the morning of.


During lunch and recess play students must remain in their cohorts. Each cohort has a wide range of activities to choose from to enjoy with their friends. Students are spending play sessions in the playgrounds, library or tennis court, or COLA area under teacher supervision.


Pleasingly, classes and teachers for 2022 have now been finalised (in what has been a most challenging arrangement). As has always been the case, fluctuating changes to enrolment numbers when we return in early February may result in further changes.

Therefore, at this stage, I am very pleased to announce we will have four classes. They are:

  • Kindergarten / Year 1 – Mrs Howard
  • Year 2/3 – Mrs Gardner
  • Year 4/5 – Mr Speirs (3 days) / Mr Jones (2 days)
  • Year 6 – Ms Dobbin / Miss Essery *** Please note that Miss Essery is taking leave for Semester One (Term 1 and 2) and will be the Year 6 teacher upon her return for Semester Two.
  • Assistant Principal – Curriculum and Instruction - Mrs Cunningham – (Working with teachers in class as part of a team during Literacy and Numeracy Lessons) -  (2 days per week)
  • Learning and Support Teacher – Mr Speirs (2 days)
  • Librarian - Mr Jones (2 days)

If parents or carers need clarification or further details please do not hesitate to call me on 02 6646 6149.


The library is now closed for borrowing and Mr Jones has the task ahead of him to successfully complete his annual stocktake. Please support this process by thoroughly searching and returning all borrowed books. Students will be invoiced if the books cannot be found and returned.


Report cards will be sent home Friday 10 December 2021.  


Our students may be excited to know that singing can resume at the start of December after a long break. Therefore, staff are going to try and prepare students for one song as an opener for the Rotary Carols In The School (bottom oval), Wednesday 15 December. The song chosen is ‘Aussie Jingle Bells’. For those that are very keen, students can get their iPads or your phones out, view the clip and the lyrics and start singing (at home) now in preparation for our first session together. I would think everyone has been missing both the musical and social aspects of singing. It’s not too late to get that vocal training back in to make the most of the short time we have left this year. Please encourage your child to sing aloud to prepare themselves appropriately.


As with tradition, our outgoing Year 6 students choose the theme for the end of year disco. This year the students have settled on the theme of "After Five"...wanting to wear some of the fancier items in their wardrobe and celebrate. However, for some, after five also indicates bedtime, therefore students are welcome to dress in their pyjamas as an option. 


Last Friday our 2022 Kindergarten students enjoyed their final orientation session led by Mrs Howard and Miss Meryl. Stage 3 students supported the younger children as they learnt about the different people and spaces in our wonderful school. The staff have worked collaboratively to support a smooth transition to ‘big school’ and we encourage families to ask questions if you have any concerns.


There are only two weeks left of our Year 2/3 and Year 4 swimming program at Maclean. We would again like to thank Club Iluka for allowing us the use of their courtesy bus to travel into Maclean each week.


A reminder to all students who ride bikes, and scooters to school that they need to make sure that they keep themselves safe. They can do this by making sure they wear their helmets and slowing down and walking their bikes, and scooters across the road (especially outside of IGA). Parents and carers please remind your children to grab their helmet when leaving home and to stay safe on their bikes, and scooters. A serious accident could devastate a family and our school community.


Sometimes I see students needing to wait for either myself and a teacher to finish talking before they can talk to me or their teacher. Waiting patiently is a skill and needs to be taught. Children who have good waiting skills tend to do better at school and have better social skills than those who do not. I encourage practice at home of this important skill. During daily activities that require waiting, such as waiting for you to finish a phone call, waiting for dinner, or waiting for a friend to visit, remind your child to use ways to make waiting easier. For example, I am going to make a phone call. I need you to wait very patiently while I finish the call. What can you do to help you wait? Wait and let your child respond. Offer suggestions if needed, such as belly breathing, counting, using self-talk, or doing something quiet that will not distract others.

My door is always open. 



Library - Wow! We did it! All Kindergarten and Year One library books have been returned to school. Your assistance in ensuring that all of the library books were returned on time, is greatly appreciated.

Swimming Program - The students were excited to hear the news that they too would be going swimming. Information notes and permission slips were sent home last Friday. A reminder that there is no cost for these swimming lessons.



Hello everyone,

I hope your week has been ok.

We have been working hard on reports. They will come home in Week 10.

The children have been applying a great deal of effort with their swimming lessons and some wonderful improvement has been seen.

We continue working on our normal weekly program and finishing off any work that requires completing.

We hope you are enjoying the craft projects that the children have been bringing home.

Until next week, Di.


Hello everyone,

Swimming - I had the pleasure of attending swimming lessons today. The students are commended on their efforts. They have certainly shown improvement since their lessons earlier this year, when I last attended.

Routines - Even though the end of term is drawing near, classroom routines remain in place. We are working hard on our literacy in the morning and numeracy in the middle session. While homework has now ceased, I encourage students to keep up their daily home reading.

Library Books - Congratulations to Year 4 for all returning their library books before the library stocktake. Well done!

Reports - Reports are currently being prepared and will be sent home in Week 10.

Have a great week!



Hello everyone,

Mrs Cunningham is very apologetic for again being away from the classroom this week. If families have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Mr Bradmore. I have been enormously proud of the way in which all students have conducted themselves in Bek’s absence, continuing to be polite, respectful, and diligent as they have done so in my presence all year.

Prefect Speeches - Students have been working extremely hard on finalising their Prefect speech in readiness for Thursday’s formal presentation. They are all to be congratulated on the outstanding effort that has gone into not only writing their speech, but also rehearsals at home and school. We wish them all the very best.

Bowls@Club Iluka - Stage 3 students will be participating in lawn bowls lessons on Wednesday and Friday of Weeks 9 & 10. Students are reminded to apply sunscreen before school and bring their hats and water bottles.

Returning Library Books - Mr Jones is currently completing a library stocktake. Please return all library books.

Secret Santa - Just a reminder. Presents (to the value of $10-$15) are to be under the tree by the end of Week 10.

Have a wonderful week everyone!

Amanda Dobbin


Hello everyone. Assessments will finish by the end of the week. The students have been very busy in class. This is an important time of year for the children to remain settled and sensible at all times. There are no excuses for poor behaviour and such lapses will be dealt with according to the school behaviour code.

Homework has finished for the year.

Reports go home on 10 December. Presentation Day is at school this year on 9 December. Some students will receive special awards and some will not. It is an extremely difficult decision for the Teacher to allocate awards. Please respect the decisions made by the school and focus on the positives with your child at all times.

Lawn Bowls starts this Wednesday at Club Iluka. We are walking there and beginning at 10am.

The Disco is on 8 December at 6pm. The theme is ‘After 5’. This is an opportunity to wear your best clothes - or your pyjamas!

Secret Santa has started. Maximum cost is $15 - less is fine. We will open them on the last day of term.

Surf Awareness lessons have been confirmed and are on 13 and 14 December in Yamba. Note to follow.

We are organising a Year 6 excursion in Iluka on 15 December. More info to come. Have a good week, Chris.



My stocktake is underway and all books need to be returned. It is ok to return overdue books during stocktake as I will just scan them in as they come back. I will be scanning, cleaning and organising the library during this period.

I hope you have a great week. Mr Jones.


Congratulations to IPS students Frazer and Emma who have been selected to represent the North Coast Cricket Council Academy in the Under 11's Ron Arendts Memorial Shield Team in early 2022. Good luck with the game.


  • Volunteers for Friday 3 December - Sandy and Mark

If you could offer some time to assist in the Tuckshop for 2022, please see the Office Staff or contact Karla on 0405638768. Thank you


The final school banking will be next Tuesday 7th December.

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