Iluka Public School serves the village of Iluka and immediate surrounds. The school seeks to provide a safe and happy learning environment and create the best opportunities for learning, by catering for individual needs and by developing a sense of responsibility, care and co-operation in its students. The school aims to develop the children intellectually, physically, socially and emotionally. As well as offering a broad based curriculum, Iluka Public School has a high rate of participation in sporting activities which the school and community values. Iluka Public School strives to foster a pride in both oneself and the school. The school has a strong dedicated staff and a supportive and involved community. Our aim is that teachers, parents and students work together in the best interests of the children as individuals and as a school team.
Contact us for information about transport routes or other travel arrangements to and from school, or to find out more about our school. Student conduct when travelling
Transport assistance
The school student transport scheme provides subsidised travel on rail, bus, ferry and long distance coach services for eligible students. The private vehicle conveyance scheme is available to eligible families in isolated or rural areas where there is no accessible public transport. Parents are reimbursed for the costs of driving their children to a transport pick-up point.
Transport for students with disabilities
Students with a disability may be eligible for the Assisted School Travel Program.
Going green
School environmental management plans work across the key learning areas of the curriculum and the whole school community. We start with local sustainability and over time develop student understanding of how their work contributes globally. Students and staff manage, observe and monitor our school's resources, waste and physical surroundings, then take on activities to protect and improve our school and the local environment.
Your child will develop an understanding about:
- the relationship between human activities and natural systems
- sustainable management of the earth's resources
- the inter-related nature of processes in the natural environment
We encourage you to support your child's 'going green' activities, and to help them to learn to care for the environment as part of their everyday lives.