Iluka Public School

Interest Promotes Success

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Week 8 Term 4



  • Wednesday 24 November - 2022 Kindergarten Transition Program (Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this program will be for students & Preschool staff only. Parents/carers may drop off and pick-up only)  
  • Friday 26 November - Tell Them From Me survey closes.
  • Monday 29 November - Library Stocktake begins. Please help your child to return any outstanding library books that they may have. 
  • Tuesday 30 November - Intensive Swimming for Year 2/3 and Year 4. 
  • Wednesday 1 December - Stage 3 (5&6) Lawn Bowls Activity, 9:30 - 10:30 am (note home today)
  • Thursday 2 December - Year 5 Prefect Speeches. Start time 9:15 am (One family member ONLY (including grandparents) may attend. The visitor must remain seated, be double vaccinated, wear a mask and QR code).
  • Friday 3 December -  Stage 3 (5&6) Lawn Bowls Activity, 9:30 - 10:30 am (note home)
  • Tuesday 7 December - Final day of Intensive Swimming for Year 2/3 and Year 4. 
  • Tuesday 7 December - Final day for School Banking
  • Wednesday 8 December - Stage 3 (5 & 6) Lawn Bowls Activity, 9:30 - 10:30 am (note home)
  • Wednesday 8 December - IPS End of Year Disco, under the IPS COLA. Drop off at 6:00 pm, pick-up at 8:00 pm. Students will have to dance with their class cohorts. No parents or carers are to stay on site. 
  • Thursday 9 December - IPS 2021 Presentation Day. One family member ONLY (including grandparents) may attend. The visitor must remain seated, be double vaccinated, wear a mask and QR code.
  • Friday 10 December - Stage 3 (5&6) Lawn Bowls Activity, 9:30 - 10:30 am (note home)
  • Friday 10 December - Semester 2 Reports go home today.
  • Monday 13 December till Thursday 16 December - Kindergarten / Year 1 Intensive Swimming Program. Daily activity from 9:30 till 10:30 am. Anchorage Holiday Park. (note home this week)
  • Tuesday 14 December - Year 6 Graduation Dinner at Club Iluka, 6 - 8 pm. Students ans staff only in attendance. 
  • Wednesday 15 December - Iluka Community Carols, held on the Iluka PS Bottom Oval (further details to come)
  • Thursday 16 December - Last day of Term 4 and 2021 for all students
  • Friday 17 December - Staff Development Day (no students to attend)


  • Tuesday 1 February - All Students return to school for Term 1, 2022.
  • Thursday 10 February - IPS Swimming Carnival - whole school attending. Maclean Olympic Pool 



We are fast approaching the end of term, and the end of the year, and looking back on the year we have had, we should all be very proud of our school and it’s communities achievements. Our school has been remarkably resilient and our students have been truly outstanding. The pride our students show when in the playground and their commitment to their learning is truly outstanding and we are grateful.


The parent survey linked below will help to clarify and strengthen the important relationship between parent and school. Participation in the parent survey is optional. It should take around 5 minutes to complete. We encourage parents to complete the survey for us to better support you and your child(ren).


Our school website will be moving to the NSW Government supplied school website service over the next few weeks. From Monday 29 November our current website will be frozen and future updates will only be provided on the new site. We will notify you of this web address as soon as it is official. 


On Thursday 2nd December we are holding our yearly Prefect speeches for our Year 5 students who wish to become a leader in 2022. Iluka Public School values student leadership very highly and students chosen for these very prestigious positions have a great responsibility to lead our school with PRAWN PRIDE. I would like to wish our student nominees all the very best for their speech. We are looking forward to hearing what I am sure will be many quality presentations. Good luck to all students. Please note, one family member who has been double vaccinated can attend the event, will be required to wear a mask, QR check-in at the front office and remain seated. 

Can I please take this time to congratulate our 2021 leaders, Oceane, Jade, Tulloch, Emma, Ace and Jack, who have represented our school in an outstanding manner throughout a very challenging year.


This term, our school is participating in the Partners in Learning parent survey, another part of the Tell Them From Me suite of surveys (student, teacher and parent surveys) on student engagement. The survey asks parents and carers questions about different factors that are known to impact on student wellbeing and engagement.

Running this survey will help our school understand parents’ and carers’ perspectives on their child’s experience at school. These include: communication between parents/carers and staff, activities and practices at home and parent/carer views on the school's support of learning and behaviour. This valuable feedback will help our school make practical improvements. 


The survey is conducted entirely online on smartphones, Ipads, tablets, laptops or computers. The survey will typically take 15 minutes or less to complete and is completely confidential. The parent survey is open until Friday, 26th November. Although participating in the survey is entirely voluntary, your responses are very much appreciated.

To access the survey for our school go to:


Do you know any family or friends within the Iluka/Woombah community who have children beginning Kindergarten next year? If you do, don’t forget to let them know to collect and submit an enrolment form for Kindergarten 2022. We will hold our last Transition to School program tomorrow, Wednesday 24 November from 9:30 till 1:30 pm. This will help ensure a smooth and successful start to Kindergarten. Enrolment packs can be collected from the office or accessed online at:


The NSW Department of Education has recently provided further updates to guidelines regarding end of year presentations and excursions. Our whole school presentation will be an outdoor event for students and for one parent or carer only. Our Presentation Day will be held on Thursday 9 December. We are also providing an option for parents and carers to join via live stream. More details later.


Our Year 6 End of Year disco will also be an outdoor event. The disco is set down for Wednesday 8 December. Parents and carers cannot attend, but importantly Year 6 parents only will be allowed on site for the Year 6 cake cutting ceremony. Year 6 parents will need to adhere to the COVID-safe requirements which include full vaccination and check in procedures. 

Importantly, for the disco, the Year 6 students have selected the theme of After Five (see Year 6 classroom news for details).


2022 school travel applications are now open! To apply go to We ask that parents plan ahead and make sure their child has a valid pass to use from the start of the school year. Bus operators are flexible and understanding, particularly at the start of the school year, and will ensure students can travel safely to and from school. However, to best support our operators and assist in planning, we encourage all students to have a valid pass, as early as possible, from the start of the school year.


Reports are still carefully being completed and will be printed ready to go home Friday 10 December. A huge thank you to our teachers for the many hours they have spent so far compiling these reports. Having seen some of the literacy and numeracy data myself, I am proud of the wonderful results and efforts of our students. They are always striving to meet the high expectations set for them by our teachers and community.

Based on NSW Department of Education guidelines, the reports have been adjusted in recognition of the impact of the Learning from Home program. The report indicates work that has been submitted during the home learning program, focusing on English and mathematics. The report will be complemented by an optional parent/teacher interview, where the class teacher will focus on academic progress, future directions, wellbeing and identify what can be done to support learning growth. Further details of when interviews will be held will be posted soon.


Last day for school banking is 7th December. Thank you to all our students and staff for all your support. A huge thank you to our dedicated banking coordinator, Leah. For further information please phone 132221 or visit your local Commonwealth Bank


Due to ongoing COVID guidelines and our Cohort Model, our fortnightly assemblies have been postponed this term. However, congratulations to Willow who received her special award certificate for 10 Merit Awards in class this week. This is a fantastic achievement and we are proud of her. If you also have any Merit awards tallied (particularly Year 6) please hand them to myself and I shall present it to you in class.


As I have always said and modelled, please do not hesitate to call the office for an appointment with myself if you wish to discuss any issues. I take on board your suggestions and want to help you if I possibly can.

Have a great week. Phil


Mathematics - The Kindergarten and Year One students are in the final stages of completing their mathematics assessment. It is amazing to see the learning growth in all mathematics strands.

Library - It is important to return all library books this week, as our annual stocktake commences next week. Mr Jones will be sending home overdue notices if library books have not been returned by Thursday.

Swimming Program - An information sheet and permission note will be sent home on Thursday.



Hello everyone,

I trust all is well in your households. We continue our weekly routines at school. 

What Mrs Leseberg and myself have noticed are several very tired children on some days. Yes, we are approaching the end of the school year but there is still work to be done and things to be finished. To back us up, could you please make sure that your child gets to bed at a suitable time, each night, through the week.

Also, we have noticed that the behaviour of some children in the class is not what we expect and is actually unsatisfactory. The children have been told that we will ring parents and let them know about certain kinds of inappropriate behaviour if it continues.

Swimming continues next week.

Please support us at home, Cath and Di.


Hello everyone,

Homework - Today Year 4 students submitted the final homework sheet for the year. Thank you to the students and families who supported this valuable task on a regular basis.

Positive Peer Relationships - It has been lovely to see the Year 4 group reunite and show improved relationships over the last week or so. It certainly hasn’t been easy for such a small cohort to play, eat and learn together for the entirety of the school day. Year 4 are commended on their improved cooperation and positive attitudes. Keep it up!

Swimming - Students are going well with their swimming lessons at Maclean Pool. Keep bringing all the necessary swimming gear for our lessons all the way up to Week 10. 

Library stocktake - Library borrowing has now ceased for the year. Please start to hunt around for those outstanding library books as Mr Jones will be undertaking a library stocktake next week.

Malaysia Projects - Congratulations to Nikirri, Flynn, Fraser, Alby, Bowie and Lacey for completing their Malaysia projects. The students gave a brief speech about what they learnt and were presented with a certificate to acknowledge their efforts. Well done girls and boys!

Have a fantastic week. Kristy


Mrs Cunningham is away from the classroom for this week. However, here are a few reminders for the week:

Library stocktake is coming up. Please ensure that you return any library books to Mr Jones.

Big River Film Festival - Filming has finished for our entry into this year's Big River Film Festival. There are some very talented stars and plenty of effort went into the making!! Fingers crossed on the results.

Secret Santa - Names were randomly picked at the end of last week, with the aim that they will remain a secret. Students are required to buy one present to the value of $10 to $15. All presents are to be under the tree by the end of Week 10. We already have one under the tree!

Bowls @ Club Iluka - Stage 3 students will be participating in lawn bowls lessons during Week 9 & Week 10. Further information to come via a note home.


Hi everyone. We can now confirm some excursions for our class. Activities at this stage include Bowls Lessons at Club Iluka, Fishing at Iluka Bay and Surf Awareness Lessons in Yamba. Stay tuned for more details and permission notes.

I have finally cracked -  Secret Santa will occur with our class. It is not compulsory. Maximum of $15 - less is fine. Names will be picked out of a hat on Friday this week. The gift opening will occur on Thursday 16 December.

The students continue to be settled in class and are working on assessments and essential revision. I am very pleased with their attitude and effort.

This is the last week of Homework for the year.

Year 6 have chosen the theme for the end of year Disco at school on Wednesday 8 December as “After Five” wear…….after a year of not many occasions to wear your fancy gear, dust off your finest and come celebrate.

The Year 6 Graduation Dinner will be held at Club Iluka on Tuesday 14 December. This is a students and teachers function. Have a good week, Chris.



The final Book Club for the year is due on Thursday 25 (this week) in order for everyone to receive their books before we break up for Christmas school holidays. There are many fantastic deals in this catalogue. Thank you to our school community for your ongoing support of the library, through purchases of books from our Book Fairs and Book Clubs. 


The library Stocktake will take place next week, with a full week of scanning, weeding and cleaning. Please help your child this week look for any misplaced library books. I will begin printing out overdue notices to send home with your child, if they have any.

I hope you all have a great week, Mr Jones.


Our Kindergarten students were super excited this week to receive their very own tennis racquets, thanks to ANZ and Tennis Australia. Mr Jurd presented these to our youngest students and graciously donated them a tennis ball. Many thanks to those involved for their donations.


Volunteers for Friday 26 November  -  Jess and Minnie

If you could offer some time to assist in the Tuckshop, please see the Office Staff or contact Karla on 0405638768. Thank you


School Banking takes place on Tuesdays. 

Final School Banking will occur on Tuesday 7 December.

Community News and accompanying advertising are a community service only and are not endorsed by Iluka Public School or its staff.