Iluka Public School

Interest Promotes Success

Telephone02 66466 149

Week 7 Term 4

iluka students


  • Tuesday 23 November - Intensive Swimming for Year 2/3 and Year 4. 
  • Tuesday 23 November - P & C Meeting at Club Iluka. Starting at 1:30 till 2:30 pm. All welcome to attend. NB: Club Iluka will be governed by their own Covid safety requirements. 
  • Wednesday 24 November - 2022 Kindergarten Transition Program (Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this program will be for students & Preschool staff only. Parents/carers may drop off and pick-up only)  
  • Friday 26 November - Tell Them From Me survey closes.
  • Monday 29 November - Library Stocktake begins. Please help your child to return any outstanding library books that they may have. 
  • Tuesday 30 November - Intensive Swimming for Year 2/3 and Year 4. 
  • Thursday 2 December - Year 5 Prefect Speeches. Start time 9:15 am (Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this program will be for students only)
  • Tuesday 7 December - Final day of Intensive Swimming for Year 2/3 and Year 4. 
  • Wednesday 8 December - IPS End of Year Disco, under the IPS COLA. Drop off at 6:00 pm, pick-up at 8:00 pm. Students will have to dance with their class cohorts. No parents or carers are to stay on site. 
  • Thursday 9 December - IPS 2021 Presentation Day. One family member ONLY (including grandparents) may attend. The visitor must remain seated, be double vaccinated, wear a mask and QR code.
  • Friday 10 December - Semester 2 Reports go home today.
  • Tuesday 14 December - Year 6 Graduation Dinner at Club Iluka. Students only in attendance. (Further details to come, time also yet to be advised)
  • Wednesday 15 December - Iluka Community Carols, held on the Iluka PS Bottom Oval (further details to come)
  • Thursday 16 December - Last day of Term 4 and 2021 for all students
  • Friday 17 December - Staff Development Day (no students to attend)


  • Tuesday 1 February - All Students return to school for Term 1, 2022.
  • Thursday 10 February - IPS Swimming Carnival - whole school attending. Maclean Olympic Pool 




Two beautiful Remembrance Day services took place last Thursday, 11 November 2021. Our school community paid respect and paused for one minute at 11.00 am to remember the service and sacrifice of our veterans and current serving personnel. We congratulate our Year 6 students who respectfully conducted the town’s Remembrance Day service at the Cenotaph. The feedback was positive (especially on the blazers all students were wearing) as well the way the service was conducted. I know I was very proud of the Year 6 group. Well done to Mr Speirs on the way he prepared the class. Similarly, I would like to thank Mrs Cunningham and her Year 5 class. They conducted a wonderful service at school for the remaining classes and staff. The students read beautifully and conducted the service without any assistance. Well done Year 5 on your leadership. Thank you to Maclean RSL for your support.


Swimming classes continue again this week. Under COVID-19 guidelines we are travelling in two buses to the pool. The students should be congratulated for their organisational skills and for their efforts to improve in the pool. The program continues for the next three weeks.


On Thursday 2 December, commencing at 9.15 am Year 5 students will be presenting their speeches to the school cohorts on why they should be elected the 2022 School Captain and/or Prefects. The speeches will be held outside in the assembly area. In 2022 there will be a School Captain, Vice-Captain and four Prefects selected. I know Mrs Cunningham is working with the students to draft, write, edit their speeches and working on the students’ presentation skills.

At the invitation of the school and based on Level 3 guidelines and the COVID-safe capacity of the school, ONE ONLY family member can be in attendance for the speeches. The member of the family will need to be fully vaccinated, always wear a mask and remain seated (square metre rule will apply). We wish all the Year 5 students the very best.


Our annual Presentation Assembly will be held on Thursday 9 December at 9:15 am. Following Level 3 guidelines one parent is able to attend this event. We are also looking into live-streaming to enable all family members to be involved in the assembly. Further information will be announced closer to the event.


Teachers and myself are now looking at finalising the classes for 2022. If you know of any family new to the Iluka PS intake area who wants to enrol for next year please ask them to contact the ladies in the office to confirm placement. Alternatively, if you are leaving the area and your child will not be returning let the office know so that your child can be removed from the 2022 class lists. We appreciate your support in this matter.


Tell Them From Me Surveys

Thank you to all of the parents who took the opportunity to complete the Tell Them From Me survey for this year. We are looking forward to the responses and following up with future school plans once the results are released. For your last chance to have a say please click on the link. 


Satisfaction Survey 2021

It's rapidly coming towards the end of the year. Could I you please ask you to take 5 mins out of your day to complete my survey, as part of our school planning for 2022. Your suggestions and honest feedback is appreciated.


Kindergarten Transition visits help children and families familiarise themselves with their new school and staff, allowing them to form connections with their school community prior to starting school. Our final Kindergarten Transition visit is next Wednesday 24 November. Please note that transition visits are only for children enrolled in Kindergarten at Iluka PS for 2022. One fully vaccinated parent or carer is permitted to attend their child’s Kindergarten transition when conducted outdoors. Contact myself at school on 66466149 if you wish to discuss any further details.


As described in last week’s newsletter, we continue to operate under Level 3 restrictions. The recent update impacts on current operations for Iluka PS are minimal:

Students remain in cohorts – for lessons, break times.

Some activities may restart, under Covid Safe plans, including: scripture, outdoor cohort assemblies; dance in cohorts; some music (no playing of instruments which require breath); community use of facilities (think Carols in the Park); canteen – within cohorts.

Fully vaccinated visitors – such as volunteers, allied health partners and other external providers – are allowed on site to support curriculum delivery, wellbeing programs and school operations that maintain student cohorts.


Just a reminder that Term 4 is an 11 week term. Our last day for students will be Thursday 16th of December. Teachers will have a Staff Development Day on Friday 17th of December. First day for all students in 2022 is Tuesday the 1st of February for Kindergarten to Year 6.

Have a great week. Phil


Reading - The Kindergarten and Year One students have now completed their final oral reading assessment for the year. While reading activities will continue in class, home reading for all students will cease this week. Could you please return all home readers by this Friday.

Library - Library borrowing will cease next week, so that an annual stocktake of resources may be undertaken. It might be a good opportunity to start searching for and returning any library books that are still at home, as Mr Jones will soon commence handing out overdue notices to students. 

Year One Maths Homework - In place of home reading, the Year One students will recommence taking home their maths homework book this Wednesday. Students have been asked to complete Units 26 and Unit 27. Maths homework books are due back at school next week, on Wednesday.

Remembrance Day Ceremony - Thank you for all the lovely flowers and items sent into school for our class wreath. Callum and Elsie did an excellent job of laying the wreath on behalf of our class.

Infants Swimming Program - Arrangements are currently being made for our Kindergarten and Year One swimming lessons. Information notes and permission slips will be sent home in the coming days.



Hello Everyone,

What beautiful storm rain we've been having. The humidity levels are definitely rising. We have been busy at school over the last week working on some assessment tasks. Reports are being commenced and will come out later in the term.

Swimming - was a great highlight this week. All children in the class attended. This is such a wonderful initiative as they get tuition in very small groups. Thus, more practise at the skills they are undertaking.

Remembrance Day - is always a special day on our school calendar. We made our own poppies and a wreath was constructed with them.

The term is marching along at a brisk pace. It is important to maintain routines and keep homework and home reading progressing.

Have a pleasurable week, Di.


Hello everyone,

Homework - Today Year 4 took home the final homework sheet for the year. Thank you to the students and families who supported this valuable task on a regular basis.

Swimming - Students have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to attend Maclean Pool for swimming lessons. It was fantastic that everyone arrived at school with a positive attitude and all the necessary swimming gear. Thank you to Mr Bradmore for driving the Club Iluka bus and taking the class, to ensure Year 4 did not miss out.

Library stocktake - Please start to hunt around for those outstanding library books as Mr Jones will be undertaking a library stocktake in the coming weeks.

Remembrance Day - Congratulations to the Year 5 class for leading a beautiful and moving Remembrance Day service at the school last Thursday. All of Year 4 contributed to making a poppy wreath which was laid on behalf of the class by Alby and Flynn.

Have a fantastic week.



Hello everyone

Remembrance Day - Last Thursday the class did an outstanding job, leading our Remembrance Day service at the school. The ceremony was very special. The students articulated well and enjoyed sharing their writing.

Homework - Spelling lists and maths sheets were sent home yesterday and need to be completed and returned by Friday.

Attendance - 100% Keep up the great effort!

Literacy - We have been looking at procedures. Thank you to Ms Dobbins and Jonah for bringing in some of their games to share. The ones noted for this year's Christmas lists were Spot it, Who's That Dude and Throw Throw Burrito. Lots of fun was had by all.

Library stocktake is coming up. Could you please ensure that you have returned any outstanding books to Mr Jones.

Big River Film Festival - Filming has commenced for our entry into this year's Big River Film Festival. There are some very talented stars in the making!! WTS.

Have a great week



Hello everyone. Thank you and well done to our Year 6 class who organised and conducted the Remembrance Day Service at the Iluka Cenotaph for our local community last week. It was conducted in the spirit and respect the occasion deserved. Well done Year 6. 

We are fortunate to have some end of year activities back on the agenda. The Year 6 Graduation Dinner, School Disco and Presentation Day will all be held. We are still in the process of organising some local excursions as the Department's Covid restrictions ease further. We are hopeful.

Homework continues. The students will need to interview you this week, thank you.

Thank you to everyone for their efforts in dressing up for the Book Parade. The students looked great and congratulations to our lucky prize winner Harmony. Our class had 100% attendance and 100% dress-up!

The students remain very settled in class at present. We are pushing ahead with new work, revision and assessments. Have a good week, Chris.



Thank you to everyone for making a purchase at the final Book Fair for the year. We managed to make just over $800 in sales, which means that our library will receive about 20% of this, which works out to be roughly $160 for new books for the library.


The final Book Club for the year is now in circulation. There are many fantastic deals in this catalogue, and remember if you order through Book Club you don’t have to pay for shipping. So there is an instant saving of $10 if you often buy books online. Another important aspect to remember when ordering through Book Club is that our library earns valuable points to purchase new items for your child in the library. It is a win-win for everyone involved. All orders will be placed at the end of Week 8 in order for everyone to receive their books before we break up for Christmas school holidays.


The library Stocktake will take place in Week 9 and a full week of scanning, weeding and cleaning will take place during this time. I will begin printing out overdue notices this week to send home with your child if they have any.

I hope you all have a great week, Mr Jones.


Volunteers for Friday  -  Sandy and Mark 

If you could offer some time to assist in the Tuckshop, please see the Office Staff or contact Karla on 0405638768. Thank you


Today was the final day to claim any banking rewards. Because of this, returned bank books will be empty of any tokens. For students who hit the 10 token mark today, I took their reward order direct. In regards to the complimentary reward from CBA, today I visited with each child who made a deposit in 2021, and they chose their reward. It is my hope that rewards will arrive before the end of the school year. I will keep you posted.

The last day of school banking will be Tuesday December 7. This allows myself and Commonwealth Bank the necessary time to shut down the account.

Thanks Leah

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Uncover tales of mystery intrigue and discovery this summer at your local library…

The Summer Reading Club challenges encourage children to read or write something every day throughout the summer holidays. To help keep children motivated there are creative and theme based challenges to complete each summer.

This year’s campaign invites children and families to uncover mysteries and explore tales of discovery and intrigue.

The challenge begins on the 1st December and finishes on the 31st January 2022.

Register and pick up a challenge sheet @ your local library or download and print our electronic version.

Bring your challenge sheet into your library when you have completed 10 challenges to receive a prize.

Bring your completed challenge sheet in to enter the prize draw to win a $60 voucher from the book warehouse.

Challenge sheets will be available from the 1st of December.