14 Nov 2021

- Tuesday 23 November - Intensive Swimming for Year 2/3 and Year 4.
- Tuesday 23 November - P & C Meeting at Club Iluka. Starting at 1:30 till 2:30 pm. All welcome to attend. NB: Club Iluka will be governed by their own Covid safety requirements.
- Wednesday 24 November - 2022 Kindergarten Transition Program (Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this program will be for students & Preschool staff only. Parents/carers may drop off and pick-up only)
- Friday 26 November - Tell Them From Me survey closes.
- Monday 29 November - Library Stocktake begins. Please help your child to return any outstanding library books that they may have.
- Tuesday 30 November - Intensive Swimming for Year 2/3 and Year 4.
- Thursday 2 December - Year 5 Prefect Speeches. Start time 9:15 am (Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this program will be for students only)
- Tuesday 7 December - Final day of Intensive Swimming for Year 2/3 and Year 4.
- Wednesday 8 December - IPS End of Year Disco, under the IPS COLA. Drop off at 6:00 pm, pick-up at 8:00 pm. Students will have to dance with their class cohorts. No parents or carers are to stay on site.
- Thursday 9 December - IPS 2021 Presentation Day. One family member ONLY (including grandparents) may attend. The visitor must remain seated, be double vaccinated, wear a mask and QR code.
- Friday 10 December - Semester 2 Reports go home today.
- Tuesday 14 December - Year 6 Graduation Dinner at Club Iluka. Students only in attendance. (Further details to come, time also yet to be advised)
- Wednesday 15 December - Iluka Community Carols, held on the Iluka PS Bottom Oval (further details to come)
- Thursday 16 December - Last day of Term 4 and 2021 for all students
- Friday 17 December - Staff Development Day (no students to attend)
- Tuesday 1 February - All Students return to school for Term 1, 2022.
- Thursday 10 February - IPS Swimming Carnival - whole school attending. Maclean Olympic Pool
Two beautiful Remembrance Day services took place last Thursday, 11 November 2021. Our school community paid respect and paused for one minute at 11.00 am to remember the service and sacrifice of our veterans and current serving personnel. We congratulate our Year 6 students who respectfully conducted the town’s Remembrance Day service at the Cenotaph. The feedback was positive (especially on the blazers all students were wearing) as well the way the service was conducted. I know I was very proud of the Year 6 group. Well done to Mr Speirs on the way he prepared the class. Similarly, I would like to thank Mrs Cunningham and her Year 5 class. They conducted a wonderful service at school for the remaining classes and staff. The students read beautifully and conducted the service without any assistance. Well done Year 5 on your leadership. Thank you to Maclean RSL for your support.