Iluka Public School

Interest Promotes Success

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Week 6 news, Term 4

boys swim class

Upcoming events

  • Wednesday 10 November - 2022 Kindergarten Transition Program. (Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this program will be for students & Preschool staff only. Parents/carers may drop off and pick-up only) 
  • Thursday 11 November - Last day for Book Fair
  • Thursday 11 November - Year 6 Remembrance Day Service at Iluka Cenotaph, 10:45 am start. Note has gone home. Double vaccinated community members are able to attend. All must follow Covid Safety plan.
  • Year 5 Remembrance Day Service at IPS. 10:50 am. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this program will be for students only) 
  • Tuesday 16 November - Intensive Swimming for Year 2/3 and Year 4. 
  • Tuesday 23 November - Intensive Swimming for Year 2/3 and Year 4. 
  • Tuesday 23 November - P & C Meeting at Club Iluka. Starting at 1:30 till 2:30 pm. All welcome to attend. NB: Club Iluka will be governed by their own Covid safety requirements. 
  • Wednesday 24 November - 2022 Kindergarten Transition Program (Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this program will be for students & Preschool staff only. Parents/carers may drop off and pick-up only)  
  • Friday 26 November - Tell Them From Me survey closes.
  • Monday 29 November - Library Stocktake begins. Please help your child to return any outstanding library books that they may have. 
  • Tuesday 30 November - Intensive Swimming for Year 2/3 and Year 4. 
  • Thursday 2 December - Year 5 Prefect Speeches. Start time 9:15 am (Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this program will be for students only)
  • Tuesday 7 December - Final day of Intensive Swimming for Year 2/3 and Year 4. 
  • Wednesday 8 December - IPS End of Year Disco, under the IPS Cola. Drop off at 6:00 pm, pick-up at 8:00 pm. Students will have to dance with their class cohorts. No parents or carers are to stay on site. 
  • Thursday 9 December - IPS 2021 Presentation Day. One family member ONLY (including grandparents) may attend. The visitor must remain seated, be double vaccinated, wear a mask and QR code.
  • Tuesday 14 December - Year 6 Graduation Dinner at Club Iluka. Students only in attendance. (Further details to come, time also yet to be advised)
  • Wednesday 15 December - Iluka Community Carols, held on the Iluka PS Bottom Oval (further details to come)
  • Thursday 16 December - Last day of Term 4 and 2021 for all students
  • Friday 17 December - Staff Development Day (no students to attend)


  • Tuesday 1 February - All Students return to school for Term 1, 2022.
  • Thursday 10 February - IPS Swimming Carnival - whole school attending. Maclean Olympic Pool 

Principal report 

Dear parents and carers

Thrilled to report that today, Tuesday 9 November, Iluka Public School had 100% attendance.

Welcome to Week 6

I hope that all our families had a chance to rest, relax and enjoy their weekend. The students have settled in well this week and we are ready for a busy 5 days ahead. Can you believe that in the blink of an eye we have passed the halfway mark of the term already?

Book fair and parade

We were all very excited to have the Book Fair return to our school last week. To celebrate we held a successful book character parade. We witnessed a wonderful array of costumes for the parade and I thank the parents and carers for your support. Congratulations to all the students who put so much effort into the morning. Pleasingly, we only had one child absent on the day from the school. Thank you to Mr Jones for organising both the Book Fair and parade.

Staffing news update 

Congratulations No. 1 - The school is pleased to announce Mrs Cunningham was successful with her application. She is now permanently appointed as the ‘Assistant Principal; Curriculum and Instruction’ teacher. This is a new position created by the department for every NSW Government School. It is an off class position. She will work in this role one day a week at Iluka PS and one day at Palmers Island PS commencing in 2022.

Congratulations No. 2 - Similarly, the school is pleased to announce that Mrs Speirs was successful with her application. She is now permanently appointed to work one day per week as the Senior Administrative Officer. We will see Leah in the office on Tuesdays.

Level 3 guidelines 

Just a reminder that we are still operating on Level 3 Restrictions which means:

  • Staff are required to wear masks indoors (no longer outdoors) while on school grounds. 
  • Only essential visitors are allowed on site and will be required to check in, always provide proof of double vaccination and wear masks. 
  • Our Tuckshop is open with appropriate hygiene measures in place. 
  • Parents and carers are to remain outside of school grounds, follow physical distancing and avoid gathering for drop-offs and pick-ups. 
  • There is enhanced daily cleaning of the school and we ensure our classrooms are well-ventilated with open windows. 

We have worked closely with NSW Health and other relevant authorities to support all our school staff.  All staff have now received 2 doses of a COVID-19 vaccination. This will help protect our students and community.

Importantly the buzz word now coming from the Department is that schools are to provide a ‘Cohort Model’.

Features of cohort modelling at Iluka Public School:

  • We will endeavour to restrict activities to established class only groupings (cohort).
  • All activities aim to minimise mixing and mingling between cohorts (classes).
  • Each class will be allocated a learning space, completing all lessons and break times with their cohort.
  • Playground areas and Tuckshop access will be staggered by cohort.
  • Within each cohort, students should maintain strict personal hygiene and physical distancing wherever possible.
  • Transportation to or from an event or activity must maintain defined cohorts. For example, students may travel to a venue by walking (with adequate supervision if applicable) or via a school-owned or operated bus, providing they have sole use. Students and staff can continue to travel to and from school as per the public health advice.
  • For Iluka Public School we will have to take the Year 2/3 and Year 4 cohorts to Maclean Pool with two buses.
  • Year 6 only will represent the school at the town’s Remembrance Day commemoration.


Scripture is able to return from Tuesday 16 November. We will follow the COVID-safe measures – especially maintaining the student cohort model and scripture personnel will show evidence of vaccination status to the school.

Kindergarten orientation program 

We look forward to welcoming our 2022 Kindergarten class tomorrow for their second Transition Day. Pleasingly, one fully vaccinated parent or carer is permitted to attend their child’s Kindergarten Transition Day when dropping off and picking up their child. I look forward to welcoming you alongside Mrs Howard to support and guide your child through the morning. Our first week was very busy as the new students settled in, learnt the different areas within the school, as well as engaged in some numeracy and literacy activities.

I would like to take this opportunity to let families know that due to the current COVID restrictions Transition students will not be able to mix with the older students this year.

Tennis program with Mr Jurd

Due to the Cohort Modelling at Iluka PS, Mr Jurd’s tennis program has also been modified. The times for his students are:

  • 12:40 - 1:00 – Kindy / Year 1
  • 1:00 - 1:20 pm – Year 2/3
  • 1:20 - 1:40 pm – Year 4
  • 1:40 - 2:00 pm – Year 5
  • 2:00 - 2:20 pm – Year 6

School calendar  

Please check the calendar updates as the final weeks of Term 4 are just ahead for us.

  • End of Year Disco – Wednesday 8 December – Venue Iluka PS outside under COLA – students will have to dance with their class cohorts. No parents or carers are to stay on site. Time 6.00 pm - 8.00 pm pick up.
  • Presentation Day – Thursday 9 December – One family member ONLY (including grandparents) may attend. The visitor must remain seated, be double vaccinated, wear a mask and QR code. I thank you for your understanding.
  • Year 6 Dinner – Tuesday 14 December – Club Iluka – Year 6 students only – Under the guidance of Club Iluka’s Covid policy. Times yet to be advised.

Tell them from me surveys

Our school is once again participating in the Tell Them from Me surveys for parents, students and teachers. The results of these surveys offer valuable insight about how our school community views the school, areas of strength and for those for improvement. Your completion of this survey is greatly appreciated. To date, The link for our parents is

2022 School enrolments 

I am now looking at the classes for 2022. If you know of any new families to the Iluka PS intake area who want to enrol for next year, please ask them to contact the school office on 6646 6149 to confirm placement. Alternatively, if you are leaving the area and your child will not be returning, let the office know so that your child can be removed from the 2022 class lists. We appreciate your support in this matter.

Thank you for your ongoing support and if you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact the school.

Have a great week. Phil   

Class K/1 news 

Assessments - Over the next several weeks, different types of English and mathematics assessment tasks will be implemented as either whole class, small groups or individually. The results from these assessment tasks will be used to assist in writing your child’s Semester Two report. 

Book Parade - The students and staff had a wonderful time dressing up as their favourite characters last Thursday. Thank you parents and carers for supporting this school event. Congratulations to Callum for winning the Kindergarten-Year One $15 library voucher. 

Remembrance Day - This year our class will be making a wreath to lay at our school Remembrance Day ceremony. I would be very grateful if students could bring to school, either tomorrow or Thursday, a small bunch of flowers that they could contribute to the making of our class wreath. 

- Lynne

Class 2/3 news

Hello everyone,

The beautiful spring weather continues. We are so lucky.

Writing - this week involved looking at a type of poem. In the poem the children had to answer a number of questions about a particular animal. They did a good job on the task. Their illustrations were excellent.

Maths - work has involved mental exercises for both classes. All the children get to go out and work with Mrs Speirs for Quicksmart. This is a time to practise number facts quickly and a time to help the recall process improve.

Reading - cards are due into the class every Friday for the next four weeks. This is a time to check what is being read at home and recorded.

Basket Weaving - has been a most pleasurable activity. The children have gotten really good at using their hands to create ‘things’. The children will bring their baskets home next week.

Swimming - started today. A great day for all.

Have a super week, Di.

Class 4 news 


Book Parade - Students looked fantastic in their costumes last week for the Book Parade and they had so much fun doing so. Thank you to parents and carers for the effort you went to in assisting with the costumes. Congratulations to Nikirri who was the lucky winner of the book voucher. 

Swimming - Swimming was off to a great start today. This program will continue for 5 weeks every Tuesday. Thank you Mr Jones for accompanying students to the pool as swimming lessons have fallen during library time.

Homework - New homework sheets were sent home today and are due next Tuesday. Thank you to the students who handed in their homework today and do so on a consistent basis.

Enjoy your week.

- Kristy

Class 5 news 

Book Parade - Thank you to everyone for their efforts in dressing up for our Book Parade. The students looked sensational and congratulations to our lucky prize winner Jonah.

Sustainable Living - Last week saw the building phase completed. The students worked harmoniously to complete their builds within the the allocated time frame. All teams will commence their presentations today. 

Homework - Homework sheets went home yesterday and need to be completed and returned to school on Friday.

Assessments - Assessments are currently being completed in preparation for reporting.

Secret Santa - This year we will be doing SECRET Santa! All students are required to buy one present to the value of $10 to $15. The names will be selected randomly by the end of this week and are to remain a secret. All presents are to be under the tree by the end of Week 10. 

Have a great week

- Bek

Class 6 news 

Hello everyone. As some restrictions have eased it is now possible for Year 6 to have their End of Year Graduation Dinner - great news! Excursions are still limited, however we are hoping to have a local activities week at the end of the year. 

The Presentation Day and Disco can also be held, albeit with some extra guidelines.

Homework continues and should be returned on Friday.

Assessments have begun and will continue over the next 3 weeks.

I have had some positive feedback from parents and carers regarding lessons occurring recently in class centred around their child’s online and digital behaviours. For more information on how parents and carers can help support their children’s online behaviours, follow the link to the Australian Government's e-Safety Commissioner's website. This site is an outstanding resource. Registrations are now open for the next round of free webinars.     
Thank you, Chris.


Book parade

Thank you to everyone that made an effort to dress up for our annual book parade. The costumes that were produced in 2 weeks were sensational. I will be putting together a video slideshow of all the costumes from the day for you to view. Keep your eye for that.

Book fair 

Thank you to all of the families and children who have made a purchase from our Book Fair. It makes it difficult to raise money for our library during the onsite restricted access for parents, however I thank the ones who have made the effort to try and squeeze in a visit on the afternoons I have remained open. The fair will be picked up on Thursday so your child still has Wednesday and Thursday to make a purchase if they like.

3D printing

Shortly, the older grades will begin designing their own elves to 3D print. These elves will be of their own design and have a picture of their faces on them, so they can hang them on their tree for Christmas. I will post some photos as the student’s design are printed.

I Hope everyone has a great week, Mr Jones.

Sports news 

Iluka Public School’s Intensive Swimming Program began today, with Year’s 2, 3 and 4 making their way into the Maclean Community Pool. The students all had a wonderful start to this valuable program. We look forward to the next 4 lessons, occurring each Tuesday.  

Tuckshop news 

  • Volunteers for Friday  -  Sandy and Mark

If you could offer some time to assist in the Tuckshop, please see the Office Staff or contact Karla on 0405638768. Thank you

Banking news 

With the recent news that CBA’s School Banking program is no longer continuing in schools by the end of this year, please be advised of the following important dates:

  • Last day for students to place Rewards orders will be next Tuesday 16th November.
  • The CBA have as a gesture of goodwill offered any active banker in 2021 the opportunity to place a reward order, regardless of their token numbers. I have endeavoured to get these rewards slips out to all bankers. Please note some items are no longer available and the last order date will be next Tuesday 16 November.
  • If your child has any tokens at home, please feel free to drop them back into the school office or (as per instruction from the CBA) place them in the regular rubbish bin at home.

Many thanks

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